Where Science and Scripture Meet!!

Origins And Destiny
Thank you for writing to us.

Genesis Foundation is chartered to show that the Bible is
trustworthy from a scientific perspective. This does not mean
that we go around trying to "prove" that the Bible is true,
because we do not believe that is possible.

Instead, we believe that the Bible self-evinces its own
authenticity, and that every objection against the Bible
can be dislodged-- either by reason of hidden presuppositions,
or from honest confusion over the subject matter.

With respect to ordering materials, simply access our web
site and look over the tapes, articles and other materials listed.
Then E-Mail your request for materials to us. Please include a
mailing address. As funds permit, we will send the materials that
you request free of charge to the address you provide.

Since we depend on donations as our sole means of support,
we ask that you please make a matter of prayer the role that the Lord
might have you play in supporting our ministry-- whether by prayer,
sharing with others, a contribution, or whatever.

There are now over 50 articles and 100 lectures currently
listed on our web site and at least for some, this might seem confusing.
Therefore we would be pleased to help you select the materials that
might best fit your needs. All you need do is advise us of the question
you wish answered, or the need you seek to fill.

In Christ's Love,

Genesis Foundation Staff

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